The Denver Greens support Denver’s May Day General Strike and similar actions taking place world-wide.  We offer our appreciation to the Denver IWW Branch and Occupy Denver for organizing the General Strike and the rally taking place on May 1.

The Denver Greens recognize that the IWW has been active for over a century, fighting for workplace democracy and better conditions for the working class.

The Denver Greens recognize that the Occupy movement has been successful more recently in mobilizing a massive movement against corporate abuses and an unjust distribution of wealth.

Both the IWW and the Occupy movement have been successful at bringing these issues to the masses.  As a political party based on grassroots activism, the Green Party has undeniably been influenced by both of these organizations.  Although the Green Party works both through activism and electoral politics, we understand that our success is strongly influenced by organizations and movements that operate in a non-partisan manner.

The Green Party’s platform takes a strong stance in support of workers and their rights to strike, form a union, and collectively bargain.  Several of the Green Party’s 10 Key Values are relevant to the May Day General Strike, especially Grassroots Democracy, Decentralization of Wealth and Power, and Community Based Economics.