Want to join the Denver Green Party? If you accept the 10 Key Values of the Green Party, and the bylaws of this local party, then this is the place for you.
Step 1: Change your party affiliation to the Green Party. Click here to do that online. You can also update your address at that link as well.
Step 2: Consider becoming a voting member by making a recurring contribution of at least $10 a month. You can set up your recurring contribution here.
Step 3: Sign up for our emails. You can do that here.
Step 4: Join us at the next meeting. Check out the events calendar to find out where and when.
Step 5: Consider volunteering for a task or two to help us build the Denver Green Party. As the saying goes, “many hands make light work.” Sign up here.
Step 6: Consider making an additional sustaining donation to help us cover operational costs. You can make a single or recurring donation online. Click here for a one-time donation, or click here to make a recurring donation.
Thank you for your membership! Let’s get to work!