The Green Party is a young political party and is working at every level to grow its membership. The Green Party puts special emphasis on organizing at the local level. Join us!
The local chapter of the Green Party is the most important unit of the organization. The Denver Greens is working hard to increase our membership. There are several ways you can get involved with the Denver Greens.
Sign Up for Our Email: Newsletter
Register Green – Update your voter registration here
Attend a Denver Greens Meeting or Event – Find events here
Become a Dues Paying Denver Green – See “Voting Members” Below
Offer your talent – Sign up at the “Volunteer” page
Voting Members
Members that donate $15 annually are considered voting members and are able to vote on policy decisions, officers, and candidates nominated by the Denver Greens. A voting member must live in Denver and be a Green registered voter. Members of the Denver Greens must agree to support the Ten Key Values, must abide by the bylaws of the Denver Greens and the Green Party of Colorado, and should generally agree with the local party platform and the state and national party platforms. The dues requirement may be waived partially or entirely to those that are unable to pay.
General Members
Members who do not donate are encouraged to volunteer for a chapter-building task and also regularly attend meetings. There is a place for the voice of the general member at our meetings too!