Our next meeting is Sunday, September 25 at 2 p.m. at the Corky Gonzales Library on West Colfax and Irving Street, just west of Federal.  At that meeting, we will be discussing whether to endorse 2B, which is a question facing voters in Denver County on this November’s ballot.

The Denver Justice Project and other Denver Community groups and Members have been working with Councilperson Paul Lopez to put Referred Question 2B on the November ballot, which proposes an amendment to the Denver City Charter that would inscribe the Office of Independent Monitor (OIM) as a permanent fixture of our city government.   The OIM is the only official body in Denver dedicated to independent civilian oversight of law enforcement, and voting Yes on 2B could be an important step toward strengthening police accountability in our city.

Read the text of 2B as passed by city council:

For an ordinance submitting to a vote of the qualified and registered electors of the City and County of Denver at a special municipal election to be held in conjunction with the state general election of November 8, 2016, a proposed amendment to the Charter of the City and County of Denver concerning the Office of the Independent Monitor

The full text of the proposed measure is here (this may not be the final version): https://gumbolefunque.com/dgp/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/FINAL.Charter.OIM_.Lopez_.proposal.7-28-2016.docx.pdf

We are also considering other measures, such as Proposition 106 (End of Life Options) and Amendment 71 (“Raise the Bar”).

What else should we be considering?

Remember, to vote on endorsing these measures, you must be a dues-paid member of the Denver Green Party.  They’re only $15 per year.  Click here to pay online with a credit card, or email us at info@denvergreenparty.org to let us know you’re attending the meeting and are bringing cash or check.
