Join us for a special presentation by Ajamu Baraka, a reflection on the 50th Anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and why people, peace, planet over profit is still an elusive dream.
This is a public event, and a free-will offering will be accepted to benefit the Black Alliance for Peace, for which Mr. Baraka is the national organizer. Babysitting will be available with advance notice to or (303) 550-0677.
Ajamu Baraka is a long-time activist for human rights and was the 2016 candidate for Vice President for the Green Party of the United States. Learn more about the Black Alliance for Peace at Please visit the website to offer your donation.
This presentation is a joint effort of Brother Jeff’s Cultural Center, Democratic Socialists of America: Denver, Denver Socialists – ISO, Boulder Socialists – ISO at UCB, the Green Party of Colorado and the Denver Green Party.
For those who cannot join in person, you may watch online at