Please help us reach our 2021 fundraising goals with a donation!
Become a full member
Anyone can be a registered Green, but full voting members can set the direction of our local party in Denver. Learn more about how!
Check out our next event
The best way to make a difference is to show up, so visit our calendar to find out when the next meeting or direct action is being held.
Discuss issues with us
Full voting members can register to participate in discussions and voting, and other registered Greens and the public can listen in on our conversations.
Green Party of the United States
The Green Party of Colorado (and subsequently the Denver Green Party) is part of the federation of state parties that form the Green Party of the United States. Click here to learn more, and please consider donating to the national party. Thank you!
Green Party of Colorado
We are an affiliate of the Green Party of Colorado. Click here to visit that site and learn more about getting involved at the state level.